Invitation to a conversation on art, activism and politics.

Invitation to a conversation on art, activism and politics. (Danish below)

How do we as artists engage in political communities?
In what way can artists contribute to a political struggle?
What challenges do we face when working with art politicly?

We are curious about, but not overconfident regarding, the capacities of art. Poems are no replacement for concrete forms of political action. But poetry can be a companion to these activities, as the “Riot Dog” of Athens was a companion in streets. A dog, too, might start barking when the cops are about to kick down your door. Perhaps that’s it, for now, what we’re doing, what is to be done, with poetry. Some barking. Some letting you know that the cops are at the door. They’ve been there for a while.

                                           Commune Editions (Juliana Spahr, Jasper Bernes og Joshua Clover)

Can art – like poetry – be a companion in a political struggle? And  if so in what ways and what are the problems that could arise from such a meeting?

We would like to invite you to a conversation in which we collectively try to think about the conditions, possibilities and difficulties between artistic work, politics and activism. The event is centered around a conversation where all participants contribute with their own experiences, challenges and questions – using personal experiences as the basis for structural analysis. Thus, in order to participate in the conversation you should have personal experience with artistic practice and have something at stake when it comes to art, activism and politics.

It’s crucial that the conversation becomes a collective investigation and that we all make room for uncertainties.

The conversation will last approximately three hours and include a short introduction and a few shorter collective exercises.

The conversation will take place on March 20 from 4-7PM at Danske Grafikeres Hus.

Please see more HERE and sign up if you want to join


Invitation til samtale om kunst, aktivisme, politik

Hvordan kan vi som billedkunstnere indgå i politiske fællesskaber?
Hvordan kan billedkunsten bidrage til en given politisk kamp?
Hvilke udfordringer/problemer er der i at arbejde politisk med billedkunst?

We are curious about, but not overconfident regarding, the capacities of art. Poems are no replacement for concrete forms of political action. But poetry can be a companion to these activities, as the “Riot Dog” of Athens was a companion in streets. A dog, too, might start barking when the cops are about to kick down your door. Perhaps that’s it, for now, what we’re doing, what is to be done, with poetry. Some barking. Some letting you know that the cops are at the door. They’ve been there for a while.

                                           Commune Editions (Juliana Spahr, Jasper Bernes og Joshua Clover)

Kan billedkunsten – som poesien – være en ledsager i politiske kampe, på hvilken måde og hvilke problemstillinger kan opstå i dette møde?

Vi invitere til en samtale, der i fællesskab går ud på at tænke over forhold, muligheder og problemstillinger imellem billedkunstnerisk arbejde, politik og aktivisme. Arrangementet er en samtale, hvor alle deltager bidrager med egne erfaringer, udfordringer og spørgsmål – et rum hvor vi gennem personlig erfaringsdeling søger strukturelle analyser. For at deltage skal du derfor selv arbejde indenfor et billedkunstnerisk felt og have noget på spil ift. kunst, aktivisme, politik. Det er væsentligt, at samtalen bliver en undersøgelse vi foretager sammen, og at vi alle forsøger at give plads til usikkerhed.

Samtalen varer som udgangspunkt 3 timer med en kort introduktion og korte fælles øvelser.


Find more info HERE and sigh up if you want to join.

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